Choosing the right printer for your project is an important decision, and making a mistake can cost you. Here is the most common and costly mistake people can make when choosing their printer.

They Pick a Printer Based on Price:

The old adage is true – you get what you pay for. No one can stay in business and offer the cheapest price, high quality and service. If you are lucky you will get two out of three, but that is expecting a lot. If you employ qualified people and incorporate quality goods in your product, you will not be able to offer the cheapest price . . . or, not for long. We all want to stay in business and protect our investment – don’t cheap out on your image! As well, presuming you managed to get an acceptable job from the cheapest quote – will they be around when you need a reprint or additional product?

Three Most Common Problems You Will Have When You Choose the Lowest Price:

1) If there is a problem with your printed job, they are not likely to stand behind their work, that’s just economics.

2) The inks and papers used are going to be the least expensive they can find, think that will be reflected in the finished product!!??

3) If you provide the file, they may not have staff skilled enough to troubleshoot and ensure you get what you think you ordered. If they do have enough skills to troubleshoot your file, expect additional charges for everything they say they have had to correct or adjust. You might also expect your file(s) etc. to be held hostage in the event of a dispute (disputes generally delay delivery, would you be okay with that?).

And Finally . . .

If you look at their website, how many reviews look like they were written by friends, family or even staff? That can be an eye-opener!

Good Luck and Choose Wisely!